It's just poetry, it won't bite

Contributor Series 6: A Currency of Words, Words Upon a Plaque

09.20.10 Posted in Contributor Series 6, today's words by

Contributor Series 6: A Currency of Words
Words Upon a Plaque
By James G Piatt

Words upon a plaque

Silent memos
Of our lives consisting
Of countless
Inward and outward
Battles lost and won

Lives etched
On slabs of wood
With unmemorable
Words engraved
On thin yellow
Metal foil

A once existence
That can never be
Erased or rewritten
Ghastly words
Outlining forever
Our subsistence

Bland sentences
Haunting the present
Cold metal epitaphs
Constant reminders
What someone thought
Was important in our lives

Sharp barbs pricked
With silent laughter
The telltale remains
Of an invented life
Insincere words
Now forever cast

How one detests
All of those whereases
On a wooden tablet
Hanging silently
In some second hand store’s
Dusty back room

James G Piatt’s most recent poem to appear at vox poetica was The Poet’s Pen in July 2010.

3 Responses to “Contributor Series 6: A Currency of Words, Words Upon a Plaque”

  1. Christine Tapson says:

    Oh I could attend a tutorial to discuss all the deep innuendos in this poem. It perfectly describes a life with the significances and trivialities that reflect our time on earth. I like to believe, however, that “at the end” more focus will be on the ‘battles won” than the ‘battles lost”, and that there will be sufficient people left behind to laud the positive contributions we made.

  2. obegreeby says:

    Wow all I can say is that you are a great writer! Where can I contact you if I want to hire you?

  3. james g. piatt says:

    Thank you Christine….I am so sorry I just got back to your comments….I was not aware that people commented on poems…I would say I am somewhat naive to all of this. Yes….I think the battles won have overcome those lost. Thank you for your kind critique.


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