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Contributor Series 7: The Confessional Diary of Bone, Friends of a Feather

12.21.10 Posted in Contributor Series 7, today's words by

Contributor Series 7: The Confessional Diary of Bone
Friends of a Feather
By Clarissa McFairy

When my bones are old and creaking
like door hinges in haunted rooms
And my laugh is crisp and crackly
like autumn leaves underfoot
And winter goes ice skating
on my marbly shoulder blades,
I shall have a feather boa of friends
to keep me warm

Clarissa’s most recent poem to appear at vox poetica was Words of Delirium, published in September as part of Contributor Series 6: A Currency of Words.

7 Responses to “Contributor Series 7: The Confessional Diary of Bone, Friends of a Feather”

  1. I shall have a feather boa of friends
    to keep me warm. That’s a lovely line.

  2. Sarah says:

    Love this.

  3. joanna says:

    great imagery in this one. “my marbly shoulder blades”: striking. 🙂

  4. bobbie troy says:

    Lovely imagery, Clarissa.

  5. Christine Tapson says:

    I really enjoyed all the visuals created by your clever choice of words, and can just imagine how old age needn’t be lonely at all!

  6. mildred speidel says:

    This poem brought comfort for my own aging bones! Hope that I too, shall have that lovely boa of feathers, caress my shoulder blades, while father time skates! Shame on him!! Great Clarissa.

  7. clarissa mcfairy says:

    Thanks so much to all for your feedback. My Dad used to say “friends of a feather stick together”. I rather liked that,though I have found that one can sometimes warm to a stranger whose feathers one has never even glimpsed.

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