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Contributor Series 7: The Confessional Diary of Bone, What Time Is Left

12.23.10 Posted in Contributor Series 7, today's words by

Contributor Series 7: The Confessional Diary of Bone
What Time Is Left
By Salvatore Buttaci

we’ll begin right now
to count down the years
we’ll do it moment by moment
keep two huge jars
one for the salvageable
the other for whatever time
we consider unworthy
all those stumbling hours
those muddy potholes
that can twist an ankle
fracture bones
lay us up as time flies by

Salvatore’s most recent poem to appear at vox poetica was You Call Me “Caro Mio,” published as part of Contributor Series 6: A Currency of Words in October.

2 Responses to “Contributor Series 7: The Confessional Diary of Bone, What Time Is Left”

  1. bobbie troy says:

    True commentary on life.

  2. Sal, you paint quite a picture. I saw you stumble, but knew you would rise to write another poem.

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