It's just poetry, it won't bite

Contributor Series 9: If Men Had Ears, A Still Small Voice

06.23.11 Posted in Contributor Series 9, today's words by

Contributor Series 9: If Men Had Ears
A Still Small Voice
By Ray Brown

The artist’s melody infused the room.
Embraced the audience.
A violin, a cello, a flute,
a fine-tuned piano.

I held her hand
spoke to her in a still, small voice.
Like a bow to the strings of a violin,
it resonated.

Quiet words fashioned–whiffed softly through the night air
tenderly touch the soul
warm the heart.

As we left the chamber hall
I kept this instrument–
a subtle timbre now stirs finer words
no assertive boisterous clamor,
grandiose gesture or performance.
No cymbals or drums.
A subtle melody of human understanding.

I am glad I found this still, small voice.

Ray Brown’s most recent poem here was Reminiscence and Return (March 2011).

2 Responses to “Contributor Series 9: If Men Had Ears, A Still Small Voice”

  1. You have presented this small poem with a large voice. Lovely.

  2. Stan says:

    The final line adds a transcendence that is unexpected and transforming. Well done.

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