It's just poetry, it won't bite

Contributor Series 9: If Men Had Ears, Blues

07.04.11 Posted in Contributor Series 9, today's words by

Contributor Series 9: If Men Had Ears
By Alan Britt

Blues is gospel,
secular style.

The hand of the blues
belongs to Jim,
on his raft 
dreaming down the wild Mississippi
when fires behind bull rushes
and gambling
with your soul
were ways of life.

Now, about your sad story
of bankers 
crumbling beneath
your buffed fingernails,
wives on
extended hiatus,
and ulcers staining
white napkins 
at Ruth’s Chris,
may I humbly suggest
a double shot
of the gospel
we call the blues?

Alan Britt’s most recent poem to appear here was Shores of Amnesia (February 2011).

2 Responses to “Contributor Series 9: If Men Had Ears, Blues”

  1. Stan says:

    Alan, very nice wrap in the conclusion and the joining of the secular and gospel that blend in each of us. One of the best poems in the series. Thanks.

  2. Alan Britt says:

    Stan…I appreciate the kind words, no question about that, but your close reading and insight into the poem mean a great deal to me. Thanks!…Alan

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