It's just poetry, it won't bite

Contributor Series 9: If Men Had Ears, Original Composition

06.27.11 Posted in Contributor Series 9, words to linger on by

Contributor Series 9: If Men Had Ears
Original Composition
By Julie Ellinger Hunt

Waxed floor boards vibrate
beneath a subwoofer.
The loft apartment you left
two days ago, still here,
still making dance beats
to an anthem you chose
before you packed up
Ages ago, I followed you here
in the dark–just a neon
sign from across the avenue
made our faces glow.
Flesh lanterns inside
a nest of boards and beams
We kissed a symphony of kisses,
made love on the vibrating,
rug-less floor,
and before dawn,
we had composed songs
all our own. Never played again
by anyone else at any other time.
I stand here now, on that same
floor, still moving but in many
ways motionless (or
maybe emotional-less).
Yeah, you’re gone but from
what I was taught, love lives on
and music never dies.

Julie Ellinger Hunt’s most recent appearance here was with the poem Gazers, her collaboration with Stan Galloway (published June 2011).

2 Responses to “Contributor Series 9: If Men Had Ears, Original Composition”

  1. The Memories live on.

  2. Gracie says:

    Yeah that’s right! You got his number!

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