It's just poetry, it won't bite

Contributor Series 9: If Men Had Ears, Tone Poem: The Finale, “Leonard Cohen–I’m Your Man”

07.03.11 Posted in Contributor Series 9, today's words by

Contributor Series 9: If Men Had Ears
Tone Poem: The Finale, “Leonard Cohen–I’m Your Man”
By Max Reif

He stands at the mic,
craggy faded eagle
in a grey suit, singing the verse
in a voice of smoke

surrounded by stark figures
black like spectres
from his own youth.

As he finishes,
the band picks up the chorus
and he stands there

smiling with his eyes
closed, just listening
and you feel his whole

life in that smile
and your life too

as though the silent
voice of the most beautiful
loser had given
birth to the whole world.

Max Reif’s poem, Gourmet Love Poem, was published here in April 2011.

3 Responses to “Contributor Series 9: If Men Had Ears, Tone Poem: The Finale, “Leonard Cohen–I’m Your Man””

  1. Jean McLeod says:

    Oh. So. Good. I’d never have thought to describe him as a “craggy, faded eagle…” but how perfect.

    “…and, you feel his whole
    life in that smile
    your life, too.”

    Perfection! I love Leonard Cohen and I LOVE your poem. Thanks Max!

  2. Alice says:

    Exactly! I heard Leonard Cohen being interviewed and what struck me was that every pore of his being is poetry. His words and pauses and inflections were all poetry and at the same time natural. What a presence to try to live up to. Nothing like my lazy “awesome” or “cool” verbal references for just about anything.

  3. bobbie troy says:

    Agree, agree, agree. Great poem.

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