It's just poetry, it won't bite


01.21.13 Posted in today's words by

Born and raised in Portland OR, Susan Sweetland Garay received a BA degree in English literature from Brigham Young University, spent some time in the Ohio Appalachians, and currently lives in the Willamette Valley with her husband and cat, working in the vineyard industry and dabbling in wine making. Her love for books also inspired her to learn the art of book binding, which continues to be an enjoyable pastime. She self-published a book of poems and photographs, Gifts from the sky, in 2012.

By Susan Sweetland Garay

The winged creatures
took over the skies.
“Watch your eyes!”
she yelled to me
as I walked confidently 
out on the porch.

The magic of it was enough
to command me to action.

I began checking dreams
off my list
one by one.
Working hard and quickly
but sometimes missing
the joy with my constant

When a problem arises,
I remind myself,
it is best to dig at the root
instead of hacking away wildly
at the leaves.

I watch them flock together
with no clear leader.
How nice it must be
to not have a need for control.

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