It's just poetry, it won't bite

Cry Woman Workshop

02.18.19 Posted in today's words by

Peter Frankis lives and writes in Port Kembla, New South Wales, Australia.

Cry Woman Workshop
By Peter Frankis

Here’s where you’ll stand,
at the head and the feet.

Your cheeks will be wet
(keep nothing in reserve).

Have your song—a simple descent
where the last note catches
and breaks.

And poetry—a few lines will do—
how the world’s reduced,
the sea, the hills blown down

(though never say ‘I’
instead become the tears
and the breath and the breath).

Practice hands in the dirt then
fist at the sky (that ancient glyph)
at He who takes and takes more.

Brave censure and stones
on your head and your feet
like all those before and before.

Sweep flowers and mild condolence,
bruise hands that would help
but hold, again and again.

Ready roar for a requiem
to rouse the indifferent dead
and for those already gone ahead.

Prepare however you can
to be overwhelmed and overwhelm
and (for all of us) balance
the remains and remains.

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