It's just poetry, it won't bite

Dear Diane

10.07.09 Posted in today's words by

Troy is a freelance technical writer and editor who lives in rural
Virginia (yes, poetry nirvana!). Her real passion is writing short
fiction, poetry, and fairy tales. She is currently working on a
collection of fairy tales titled
Fairy Tales for the 21st Century. Her poetry has been published in the premier edition of the Concise Delight Magazine of Short Poetry, Summer 2009 edition. This poem reads like a movie. Dare you to try and read it without seeing it!

Dear Diane
By Bobbie Troy

if you remember
i think it was in some strange court in tasmania
or maybe in your kitchen/our kitchen over coffee
that you took out your precious written thoughts

and pushed the sugar my way

if you remember
i think it was in your kitchen/our kitchen in the afternoon sunlight
that you let me see the back of your head/heart
and the reasons behind, the contacts with
all the things that didn’t let you be free

and i got up to get the milk from the fridge

if you remember
i think it was in the middle of a fresh pot of coffee
after so many cups of instant
that we realized where we were in terms of each other and what we were

and sometime during all that
you gave me a new coffee mug

8 Responses to “Dear Diane”

  1. Bob Christin says:

    Your poem is haunting, as much revered for what it leaves out and haunts us as for what is in it. The bonding, the human touch among the people, is played cleverly and astutely around cups of coffee offhandedly displayed. This poem moved me very much, will haunt me for a long time. I will keep it.

  2. Something as trivial as a coffee mug transformed into symbol of a new era in life. Vivid images – I can smell the coffee brewing. This poem doesn’t leave me haunted, as the previous visitor opined, but instead brings me the comfortable recognition of a fond memory. “Your kitchen/our kitchen” implies a transition toward whole rather from whole.

    Good stuff!

  3. Bobbie Troy says:

    Thanks for the comment, Bob. I appreciate it. I wrote this poem for a college friend, and we did indeed have a special friendship.
    Bobbie Troy

  4. sarah says:

    Love it!

  5. This is amazing, the imagery and the senses invoked by your words so cleverly arranged. I always knew you were creative, but now I have proof right on my monitor. Congrats, and keep at it, Ms. Poetess Supreme!

  6. Sharon Poch says:

    Each morning I wrap my hands around a steaming cup of coffee, sip, smile, and remember your words.
    Thank you,

  7. Pat Lovenhart says:

    Love it as well. Submitted it to Digg.

  8. Love the structure, the mix of exotic with “ordinary” details that touch me as reader and keep it real.

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