It's just poetry, it won't bite

Dog Daze

11.16.11 Posted in today's words by

Born and raised in Charlotte NC, Foster Cameron Hunter is, in addition to being a poet and short fiction writer, a visual artist who works mainly in watercolors and mixed media. He is also an aspiring graphic designer. As a rogue scholar his appetite for understanding is voracious. Being a creator who paints images with both words and brushes, Foster muses: “If a picture is worth a thousand words, well then, how much is a picture painted with a thousand words worth?” Visit Foster’s blog.

Dog Daze
By Foster Cameron Hunter

Last night I heard you gulp
air before I saw you.
Were you chaffed
by how swollen with life-blood
I’ve grown
since you were the leech of my life?

I spotted you from the doorway,
cradled in the palm
of your coffee clatche.
You held high court
with your Velcro entourage,
in back, where we used to sit.

You gawked at me
with silver-dollar eyes.
I read you like a grease
splattered menu,
before you could unpack
your thoughts
in awkward pantomime.

I flashed my brightest smile,
and like cinema F/X
I watched your clown-style
face paint,
melt like vanilla ice cream
on Vegas asphalt
during dog days.

One Response to “Dog Daze”

  1. Kay Middleton says:

    Lots of angst in this one… I really like the line ‘high court with your Velcro entourage…’ very powerful images throughout.

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