It's just poetry, it won't bite

Door Knob

08.08.12 Posted in today's words by

Gary Hanna has received 2 fellowships in poetry from the Delaware Division of the Arts and a Residency Fellowship at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. He has won 4 small national contests and his poetry has appeared in more than 60 journals. He is the manager of the Writers Library in Delaware.

Door Knob
By Gary Hanna

This rounded knob
reflects our attraction
to polished curves,
our need to open,
our need to touch.
How many hands
taught this brass
to shine, brought
this highlight from
dull metal, gave
guidance to this door.
How many went in
and out, or passed
it by. How many 
came through the door
and left quickly,
declined the invitation,
most of us, I suspect,
that’s why it shines.

2 Responses to “Door Knob”

  1. I love the way you took something small, but very important and created a poem. Sometimes we need to stop and think how important everything is. Thank you.

  2. bobbie troy says:

    I agree!

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