It's just poetry, it won't bite

Doppler Effect

06.19.15 Posted in today's words by

Rae Spencer’s most recent poem to appear here was The Tracking (May 2015).

Doppler Effect
By Rae Spencer

In the last months
I heard grief coming

Unwelcome engine in the distance
Hauling its load of loss ever closer

Louder and louder with each new symptom
Roaring through visits and vigils

Delaying my return to steal more time
Whispering mantras of denial

Panic whining to an unbearable pitch
The pre-dawn call, the respiratory crisis

And failed resuscitation
Everything slipping to shock

As grief’s cars hurtled past
Bound for unknown stations


3 Responses to “Doppler Effect”

  1. Sharon Poch says:


  2. Jeanette Gallagher says:

    I love this beautiful, poignant poem, Rae. It resonates with me and I’m sure with many who know and have known the feelings of grief.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. The thought of this seems so desperate to help, but life gets in the way. Well done.

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