It's just poetry, it won't bite


08.16.12 Posted in today's words by

W Keith Moore was raised in Mississippi in a family of storytellers. He started writing when he was 14, wrote and recorded his first song in Meridian MI. He read Faulkner at Mississippi State and was inspired to try his hand at poetry. He admires the work of Yeats, Rilke, Dylan Thomas, and Jim Harrison. Moore and his wife lived in Nashville, where he wrote songs for music publishers for nearly a dozen years. They have since returned to Mississippi, and Moore has recorded 6 albums of music via his own publishing company. Poetry is his first love and he finds it fulfilling and mysterious. In his words: “A poem can say more in a few lines than a 3-minute pop song or a 300-page novel. It can leave one wondering for a lifetime.” Visit his website.

By W Keith Moore

Another day
for breath
another Monday
on with the show.
The lazy eye is strange
in photographs
it has a life of its own.
The mysterious lazy eye.
Does it make for lazy sight?
I don’t know.
She was here all weekend.
It was dreamlike.
I didn’t want Sunday to come.
We are apart again till Friday
bittersweet the days till then.
I think of soldiers being away for months
not able to call or text on a whim.
Our deal is nothing compared to theirs
but it is our deal none the less.
I washed clothes at [4:00] this morning.
I find it a good time to wash clothes.

One Response to “Dreamlike”

  1. Catches the mystery almost–retaining the unspoken question. Lovely.

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