It's just poetry, it won't bite

Driving Song

01.06.12 Posted in today's words by

Stan Galloway’s most recent poem to appear here was Sable Dress, published as part of Contributor Series 10: Silken Rags in December 2011. 

Driving Song
By Stan Galloway

I hear our song on the radio
and the highway blurs,
a wash of blue and green,
and I’m leaning on a shoulder
that’s not yours
and I’m feeling all the rain
that’s falling seven states away.
Traveling without you
makes a minor tune a major ache
that urges me to love and hate that song–
the only pleasure knowing
that the road will sing much better
when I drive it backward.

One Response to “Driving Song”

  1. Sari says:

    Wonderful visual with this poem…
    Who hasn’t listened to a song on the radio and had that experience in some way.
    Lovely! A human experience…

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