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It Would Be Easier to Think of White Knights

02.14.14 Posted in today's words by

Holly Day’s most recent poem to appear here was In the end.

It Would Be Easier to Think of White Knights
By Holly Day

if I wasn’t the one always killing spiders, digging holes for dead pets
going to work every day. If it wasn’t me putting food on the table

I’m now sure why. My mother used to tell me
that no matter how hard a wife works, she still has to pamper

I think of the lessons my daughter is learning
at lunch, the way I shut down and just take it when he accuses me
his constant harping on the state of my hair and my weight. I want

Disney images of princesses
of house-cleaning mice and flowers
but mostly I want her to know
about the princes.


One Response to “It Would Be Easier to Think of White Knights”

  1. I loved the way you ended this.

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