It's just poetry, it won't bite

After the Epitaph

11.09.14 Posted in today's words by

Jeanette Cheezum’s most recent poem to appear here was Intoxication (September 2014).

After the Epitaph
By Jeanette Cheezum

First she cried, and then she got mad.
Before she knew it, she was numb.
Why did he take his soul; and leave
hers behind?


3 Responses to “After the Epitaph”

  1. Jeanette Gallagher says:

    I like Jeanette’s poem. Few words with a lot said and what was said resonates with me. I’m sure other widows or lovers will understand. Having lost two husbands when I was young and they were young, as well, I know the truth of the feelings of grief.
    Thanks for sharing After the Epitaph.

  2. Sharon Poch says:

    “Why did he take his soul; and leave
    hers behind?”

    After the Epitaph is a poem of loss, of grief, of great sorrow and power.

  3. Thank you for reading it, Jeanette G. I knew you would understand.

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