It's just poetry, it won't bite

At the Fair

02.09.17 Posted in today's words by

Bobbie Troy’s most recent poem to appear here was “Train Wreck” (December 2016) 

At the Fair
By Bobbie Troy

I smiled
as you sat on my knee
and thought of your future
perhaps following
in my footsteps
college, marriage, children
the fair was like whipped cream
on a triple sundae

in the morning
my dream of seeing
you mature
was dashed
by my oncologist
who said
that the last-ditch chemo
did not work
and I had three months
at best

5 Responses to “At the Fair”

  1. Frank Adams says:

    I really like the strength of your poem, its truth, and impact. Great job.

  2. Charlene james says:

    Really heart wrenching. Char

  3. Didn’t see that coming. I’m telling myself it’s only a poem.

  4. Dee Ann Smith says:

    It brings tears.

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