It's just poetry, it won't bite

Fast Food

01.05.15 Posted in today's words by

JK Durick gives us this post-holiday selection.

Fast Food
By JK Durick

We make such easy targets of ourselves
Waddling away, with a Big Mac and fries
On our breath, evolving in our stomachs
Comforted, satisfied, our fast food slows
Us down, makes the best of our obesity
Our measured gait, our treasured weight
Enough for us to stop to smell the roses
But bend down just so far, to a Whopper,
Double Whopper, Junior Whopper, all
All with cheese, digesting as they please;
Our fast food solves the day, the dilemma
The where, the when, how much, and why
Of our almost casual dining, part lifestyle
Part guilty pleasure, part choice, part reflex
Fast food becomes us, as we become what
We eat, super-sized, with special sauce
Hold the lettuce, hold the tomato, plenty
Of mayo, and ll that on a sesame seed bun.


One Response to “Fast Food”

  1. I know I shouldn’t say this, but…now I have to go to get a whopper.
    Fun read.

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