It's just poetry, it won't bite


11.19.11 Posted in today's words by

Liz Farrell’s most recent poem to appear here was The Party Ends (September 2011).

By Liz Farrell

Biking through town
Unsure of a destination
Positive to be nowhere bound.
The sun hits your face
Wind through your hair
Sweat glistening, pulse racing
A simple pleasure with so much promise.
It was so easy to escape then.
Youth made it possible to detach.
Stress free, craving adventure.
Aimless and happy to be
Biking through town
Destination: 21 lbs ago
Pulse racing, heart attack bound.
Hot, uncomfortably breathless
Sweat burning your eyes
Acid searing your muscles.
Age makes it impossible to detach.
Stressed out, craving ice cream.
Feeling of nostalgia palpable.
My current vehicle of escape … 
Flashbacks to aimless youth.

One Response to “Flashbacks”

  1. Nice summary and I’d love to share the ice cream. 🙂

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