It's just poetry, it won't bite

Taking flight

03.18.14 Posted in today's words by

Christopher Roe’s most recent poem to appear here was Through the shadows to the music (February 2014).

Taking flight
By Christopher Roe

In the  morning stillness
he looked down upon
the gathered crowd
cheerful birds were
and his mind filled
with thoughts of flying
above his earthly worries
beyond the clouds.

A black hood was pulled
roughly over his head
and in the darkness there
he thought of the falcon
freed of tether and snood
and a rueful smile crept
across his shadowed face
ghostly wings beat the air.

He felt a circle going tight
around his throat and he heard
a sound beneath his feet
of wings snapping open
a weightless falcon
he plunged through chilly air
flying to the freedom waiting
at the end of the rope.


One Response to “Taking flight”

  1. Jeanette Gallagher says:

    Creative, unique poem. Usually when one thinks of flying high into the sky when they’re taking flight. This man finds his freedom and acceptance by being hanged flying down from the end of a rope!

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