It's just poetry, it won't bite

The Gathering

08.09.16 Posted in today's words by

The Gathering
By Devon Balwit

back when the tomatoes were still whole and the corn
unshucked, we had not yet fought.

the wine shouldered its cork, the peaches hid
rough pits, and we our secrets.

but skin peeled back on fibrous hearts. we took our tines
and plunged them in.

at the end there were only shattered plates, and bottles
drained to the dregs.

rinds clogged the drain, and grease showed pearly
where the waters had risen.

the guests retrieved their grievances from the chair backs
and shrugged them on,

and after the door’s last bang, only the dog still grumbled,
gnawing what she scavenged.

5 Responses to “The Gathering”

  1. Charlene james says:

    This is really powerful.

  2. Kay Middleton says:


  3. Bobbie Troy says:

    I read this poem three times. The images are great.

    I love these lines:
    the guests retrieved their grievances from the chair backs
    and shrugged them on,

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