It's just poetry, it won't bite

Holiday Wishes

03.21.14 Posted in today's words by

Betty Speir’s most recent poem to appear here was Surviving on Peripheral Love (September 2012).

Holiday Wishes
By Betty Speir

As Christmas draws night, for ones alone such as I
Communication with friends and the world dwindles
Friends’ family connections, parties, plans, and shopping
Are appropriately given priority at this time
The silence no longer sends me into a holiday depression
I have learned to invite friends in for gatherings
To stay busy planning “strays and waifs” dinners
Repaying kind deeds bestowed upon me during the year
My nights are no longer silent and lonely
They are not spent morbidly missing family, nor a spouse
Rather, I recall happy memories with all of them!
May your nights be filled with beautiful memories.


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