It's just poetry, it won't bite


05.19.12 Posted in today's words by

Patty Cole’s most recent poem to appear here was Meditation (March 2012).

By Patty Cole

Outside this room in ICU,
February’s snow spits
at the window, swirls
around street lamps below.

You lie warm, unaware of time,
how it hovers over you like
a failed romance–neither partner
knowing when to leave.

I never realized you
are my every second
until this minute. I can’t
guarantee the world
will remember you. I can
only testify you were here.

I lean, say Mamma,
it’s ok to go as if I need
to set you free. You quiver,
rattle; your hand releases mine.

I shut my eyes, watch you
gather your black taffeta
scalloped skirt, float away,
light and whippy–a feather
I can’t quite catch.

5 Responses to “ICU”

  1. scott owens says:

    A touching tribute to a difficult moment, Patty. Good poem.

  2. Jean says:

    This poem touched me more than you can know. Thank you, Patty.


  3. Mariah says:

    Sad and lovely.

  4. Patty, this comes at a time when our family can appreciate this well done poem. Thanks!

  5. bobbie troy says:

    Very poignant.

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