It's just poetry, it won't bite

If sought

05.23.11 Posted in today's words by

John J McKenna is a Princeton NJ based writer whose efforts range from poetry to longer nonfiction and academic studies. His inspiration, beyond the ever-increasing visits of myriad muses (some of darker voice and wing than others), flows from Rumi, Emerson, and Whitman through Ginsberg to current torchbearers-flamethrowers like Kim Addonizio. John’s work has most recently been published in the River Poets Journal (Spring 2010, vol 4, issue 2). This poem suggests a sunny new morning of possibility and hope, although there’s an edge in it too, like maybe the narrator is the serpent and not the gardener. What do you think?

If sought
By John J McKenna

When it is that morning
slow lifts its eyes to you,
will you recognize this day
as first,
as yours,
as new?

You will find me,
should you wish,
already in the garden

beginning again
the delicate and deliberate
patient heart hand work
of seeding

6 Responses to “If sought”

  1. Nice thought of the new day.

  2. bobbie troy says:

    New beginnings. I like that.

  3. john mckenna says:

    Jeanette: thank you for taking time to share your kind encouragement. best & be well, jmck

  4. john mckenna says:

    Bobbie: thank you for taking time to share your kind encouragement. Best and be well, jmck

  5. Laura Austine says:

    This brings to mind so many things: the delicate framework in which trust is built in new relationships, starting anew, and being careful, thoughtful and deliberate as if nurturing something delicate and precious. Good job.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Laura: thank you so very much for sharing here – that is it, is it not? The care we take when giving and taking – and what additional tenderness should this be a second chances? Do they exists? -thank you again for your thoughtfulness. – jmck

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