It's just poetry, it won't bite

In Memory of Marike

01.20.11 Posted in words to linger on by

Clarissa’s most recent poem here was Friends of a Feather, published as part of Contributor Series 7: The Confessional Diary of Bone. She is a frequent contributor to the prompts page (wander over there and see if any of her work is posted for the image yet). About this poem Clarissa says: “Marike Roth Tully was a South African writer living in Kentucky with her American husband Pat Tully. They were married in October 2000. Marike died on June 14, 2009. Pat created Friends of Marike Roth Tully on Facebook in memory of his wife so that friends and family could share their memories and all can read Marike’s writings.”

In Memory of Marike

By Clarissa McFairy

I am so alone without you,

yet I miss you most of all

not in solitary moments

but when surrounded by people,

and the room is buzzing

with pleasantries and painted smiles

and none of the voices is yours

That is the worst silence of all

And in the din, it dawns on me

how voices are so vastly personal

Each has its own hue, resonance,

cadence, some a tea-cozy


Some are deep and rich and creamy

Others more husky, even rusky

I have heard voices with a teacup tinkle

and others that are shrill and shrieky

Just as a tinkling teacup can be

more enticing than the actual tea

However sweet words may be,

a voice seems far sweeter to me

and more deeply warming;

your voice was most sweet to me,

lost forever when you floated away

but it echoed back the other day

in the lilt of your Mom’s laugh;

a loving keepsake in a voice box,

more sparkling than any jewel

in a fancy gift box

I told Anna about her laugh

and we mused silently for a while

until one of us said, “hmmmm”

which spoke far more than words

If only we could hum our feelings,

converse in hmmmms and hums

A hum sets the voice free of words,

just like a lilting laugh or sob or sigh

And as speech is oft said to be silver,

a hum can be honey gold,

mellow, warm and all ensconcing

So hum to me and I’ll hum to you …

and your voice shall be my lullaby 

8 Responses to “In Memory of Marike”

  1. mildred speidel says:

    What a beautiful tribute Clarissa. You had shared with me in writings and photo’s just how wonderful your friendship was. You brought a wonderful prespective to Marike and I am sure she is looking down on you with great approval and appreciation.

  2. This was a beautiful tribute to someone special. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  3. Jean says:

    Oh. How beautiful. Your use of sounds are so “true.”

    Thank you for this lovely poem, Clarissa, which evokes such warmth and love without sentimentality.

  4. Sarah says:

    Oh, this is so beautiful, Clarissa! Especially in the second half where the poem just takes off and soars. Thank you for sharing your words. I am so sorry for your loss.

  5. clarissa says:

    Thank you, Mildred, much appreciated. I was blessed to have such a friend. She was loved by many, most especially her husband, Pat.

  6. clarissa says:

    Thank YOU Jeanette, most sweet of you to say so. Clarissa

  7. clarissa says:

    Thank you so much,Jean. Yes, voices do seem to have a life of their own. I think the voice and the smile of a loved one lingers …. like the fragrance of a flower.

  8. clarissa says:

    Thank you, Sarah! I agree that the second half is where it takes off! Lol, I seem to have covered 4 topics in one poem, so I am pleased to know the message is still intact. Clarissa

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