It's just poetry, it won't bite


11.10.11 Posted in words to linger on by

This is Betty Ruth Speir’s first poem to appear at vox poetica. 

By Betty Ruth Speir

I am drowning in intensity
Letting down my bucket, far too deep for sunlight
At times drawing it up full of murky waters it has struck.

I love too hard, feel too much
And victimize myself
With my own emotions.

I am a slave to heartbeats, tears and laughter.

6 Responses to “Intensity”

  1. wonderfully deep and sad poem that warns us all not to stay too deep…

  2. Jean says:

    Betty Ruth, Thank you for sharing your intense poem. Jean

  3. Lori says:

    Incredible words that I can very much identify with, especially victimizing myself with my own emotions. Powerful…thank you.

  4. Barbara Nelson says:

    Beautiful…..Betty Ruth is a real jewel…..

  5. bobbie troy says:

    I think a lot of us can relate to this poem. Good work.

  6. Lori, thank you for your most kind comment. I love your blog and will enjoy following it.

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