It's just poetry, it won't bite

Jack o’lantern Love

10.20.13 Posted in today's words by

Elizabeth Dublin loves seasonal poetry.

Jack-o’lantern Love
By Elizabeth Dublin

she was too pretty
too cultured
too exotic
for his worn life
with its patched linen
spilled-ink pages
second-hand second shot

but under the harvest moon
her midnight eyes
shone with lunatic light
her smile slipped
down jagged
her core turned hollow

she left him
at the door pleading
trick or treat
wishing for a rock
to weight his
empty pillowcase

2 Responses to “Jack o’lantern Love”

  1. So clever. This was great.

  2. Sharon Poch says:

    Clever, clever writing–may your “midnight eyes” continue to shine . . .

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