It's just poetry, it won't bite

Last Leaf Turned

09.01.14 Posted in today's words by

Andrew Badger’s most recent poem to appear here was My Sister Mary (July 2014).

Last Leaf Turned
By Andrew Badger

No leaves remain
in this old book.
Pages once penned
by schoolboy hand
slowly become
crimped, terse,
as I write
down the inside
back cover.

I await the day
I’m abruptly
into a divine
edition scribed
and signed
by God himself
who shuts and
shelves the book
next to those
who await me.


12 Responses to “Last Leaf Turned”

  1. Nicky says:


    This is truly beautiful–a testament to life in so many ways.

    Thank you for this.


  2. Brian Cochran says:

    Beautiful work!

  3. Kristina Barrett says:

    Having known this man, I see the beauty of his words. I was blessed with the opportunity to learn from him! Thank you Dr Badger!

  4. Heather Coxe says:

    Great job Doc!

  5. Heather Coxe says:

    Nice job Doc!

  6. Kristy Barkofski-Hough says:

    So beautifully written! It reminds me of one of my favorite poems: Henry van dyke. Gone from my sight.

    Love ya Doc! You still have a lot more to write! One of my classes I took in college told me only looking through the eyes of death do you begin to learn how to live!

    Many more!

    Kristy hough

  7. Doc, can I call this poem a coda? It is beautiful. Thanks, Patrick

  8. Christa Cable says:

    Doc, you can still inspire me after all these years. Thank you once again.

  9. Alicia Moore says:

    Beautiful!!!! I enjoy your poems so much. 🙂
    Thank you for sharing, Uncle Andrew!!!!

  10. Anna Sanders says:

    Enjoyed your poem. Well done, as usual.

  11. Cindy Ladd says:

    Thanks for this, Doc. You’re one of my favorite people to keep up with.

  12. Melissa Moore says:

    Andrew that was so beautiful! Love you!!

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