It's just poetry, it won't bite

Let’s Start Over

09.05.10 Posted in today's words by

Bobbie Troy’s most recent appearance here was with Homeless Trilogy. You are familiar with her poetry, but you might not know that she writes contemporary fairy tales too. This poem today gives us a protagonist who doesn’t believe in being carried off to happily ever after. 

Let’s Start Over
By Bobbie Troy

you turned my life
right-side up
then upside-down

you threw the dawn
at me
as if it were yours to give

a new day, you said
a perfect time
to start over

i looked at
the rising sun
and tried to imagine
a happy couple

then i calmly replied
no, i don’t think so

3 Responses to “Let’s Start Over”

  1. Jean says:

    Oh, oh! “I don’t think so.” What a perfect answer. Beautifully written.

    I have a friend who has recently said that, to good advantage. Thank you for putting it into a delightful poem, Bobby!

  2. Isa says:


    Is it possible to subscribe to receive poems from voxpoetica in mailbox?

    Thank you,


  3. saideh says:

    Great poem, great heave-ho to an unsuitable (I guess) lover.

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