It's just poetry, it won't bite

Five Limericks

02.10.15 Posted in today's words by

Jeanette Gallagher’s most recent poem to appear here was The Political Lady (November 2014).

Five Limericks
By Jeanette Gallagher

There was a twin girl called Bubbles
Who often got others in trouble
She opened her doors
As well as her drawers
And when caught, she just blamed her double.

There once was a woman named Nell
Who was beat by her husband pell mell
He’s now digging ditches
With more sons of bitches
In hell while Nell’s living well.

There once was a guy named Benny
Whose complaints to his sweet wife, Penny
About conjugal rights
Brought marital fights
Now Benny is not getting any.

A wedge of good brie, a glass of red wine
A band playing My Funny Valentine
Memory flash back
Smiles for the Kodak
A slow dance with that man of mine.

My battery died on Monday
Scared, I began to pray
Up drove a strange man
Jumper cables in hand
Superman in a blue Chevrolet.


5 Responses to “Five Limericks”

  1. I love them all but, Bubbles made me laugh.

  2. Pam says:

    Love these!

  3. Pam says:

    Love these!! Love you!!

  4. Sharon Poch says:

    Jeanette, all delightful and made me smile.

  5. Jeanette Gallagher says:

    Thanks so much for liking my limericks, Jeanette, Pam, and Sharon.

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