It's just poetry, it won't bite

Long Yellow

04.02.12 Posted in today's words by

Scott Owens’ most recent poem to appear here was The Possibility of Substance Beyond Reflection (March 2012).

Long Yellow
By Scott Owens

Pen to lips,
eyes glossed over,
waiting for light
to change, there’s no doubt
she’s writing, like me,
while driving, notebook
balanced on one knee
just out of sight,
as if I might see
otherwise and know
the safest way to do
an unsafe thing.

I wonder how she manages
to keep it balanced,
stay between the lines.
I imagine she’s writing 
something important:
in a field of brown
ragged spent stems
something blue;

epiphany, apology,
merest observation;
pen to lips,
eyes glossed over,
waiting for light.

2 Responses to “Long Yellow”

  1. jean says:

    YES! YES! YES! Don’t we writers do that, and don’t we recognize it. Great job.

  2. scott owens says:

    Thank you, Jean

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