It's just poetry, it won't bite

Lou’s Blues

09.01.12 Posted in today's words by

Cristina del Canto’s work has been published in The Battered Suitcase, Fowlpox Press, Blue Lake Review, Ascent Aspirations, Burning Word, Bewildering Stories, and New York University’s Creative Writing Journal.

Lou’s Blues
By Cristina del Canto

You remind me of the Sea.
I, human above waist, fish below,
bathe in the blues of
your eyes, ready for your net
to cast me ashore. My darling,
how deep
your waves submerge me. How
so very deep
this longing is I sink in.

How can a human love
someone as inadequate as I?
Half-mortal, half-creature,
I am not anything apart from
a fable. Bubbles graze the ocean’s surface,
my tail skims it like a shark,
yet, I will not rise.
I swim away, my
tears turning into pearls.

Lou’s Blues is in the distance,
along with you at shore.
And I, a golden-haired mermaid,
out of the ocean, I will not rise.
I belong, with all the other
mythical pretty things,
at the bottom of the Sea.

For I know, without you,
it is lonely above water,
and darling,
I will not have it any other way.

One Response to “Lou’s Blues”

  1. Strong, poignant, beautiful!!!!!

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