It's just poetry, it won't bite


04.21.12 Posted in today's words by

Murray Dunlap’s most recent poem to appear here was At Last (March 2012). 

By Murray Dunlap

The amount of love is magnified by loss
The wariness to reenter, confounding
However, I believe in love
And so it goes
I reenter, like it or not
My heart aches and turns
My heart aches with heartache
Stupid poem
My belief is that love, the poison, is the only cure
With a disregard for pain, I love again, eventually
But for now, there is no one around
So I wait
And wait
I lust for the cure
And I sit alone with my heart wide open

5 Responses to “Love”

  1. So beautiful and speaks so well from this beautiful man’s heart….

  2. bobbie troy says:

    Beautiful as usual.

  3. Sara Fryd says:

    You touch others on so many levels its amazing, crossing barriers of gender and age the emotion of your words reach out and hug the readers hearts.

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