It's just poetry, it won't bite

In the Midst

03.09.14 Posted in today's words by

Another example of how to use metaphor by Julie Ellinger Hunt.

In the Midst
By Julie Ellinger Hunt

Stuck, in sorts, between two worlds.
In one place, my feet in poured cement,
in the other, I am floating
above ant people as they weave through
their 9-5 day.

When I can linger long enough,
I am cut out and glued onto fantastic scenes;
atop a camel’s back,
wearing a side arm,
solving the fiscal collapse,
proving whether there is a need
to follow biblical law.

I am not locked inside a boulder
heading down the proverbial hill at warp speed.

I am a soldier, a monkey swinging from glass vines,
a motivational speaker.
A fast talking salesman.
A success.

I am not this prisoner serving a sentence in solitary
with just myself.
The prisoner and the warden.
My body tighter,
more confined
than an 8×8 cell.

I am that bird with song.

I am the kiss between the sun and the horizon line.


One Response to “In the Midst”

  1. Lovely. Sounds to me like you are a busy person.

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