It's just poetry, it won't bite

Mile 2

01.16.11 Posted in today's words by

Ivy Page’s poem Best Beloved appeared here in October. This poem is very different in theme, but Ivy displays a gift for imagery in this one as well.

Mile 2
By Ivy Page

I walk miles to bleed
on that lawn,
to create a chain of larkspur
to press between the pages
of a Bible I only open to recover
last year’s dried flowers.

Myself, a husk, panting,
on paper flowers,
drinking my own dis-
appointments. I walk miles.

5 Responses to “Mile 2”

  1. I loved the depth of your poem. Wonderful feelings.May I make a suggestion to increase the flow?
    “on paper flowers,
    drinking my own dis-
    appointments. I walk miles”

    may read better:
    “on paper flowers,

  2. A lot said in such few words.

  3. bobbie troy says:

    I love “drinking my own dis-

  4. clarissa says:

    I also love “drinking my own disappointments.” And I would leave as is “…feeding on paper flowers,” because the “feeding” and the “drinking” go together, and speak of her parched state. Great name for a poet (Ivy Page) and for this poem, even more apt!

  5. clarissa mcfairy says:

    I also love “drinking my own disappointments.” And I think “feeding on paper flowers” should remain as is, because the feeding and drinking go together, and speak of her parched state. Great name for a poet (Ivy Page) and so apt for this poem!

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