It's just poetry, it won't bite

Mixed Multitude

07.17.16 Posted in today's words by

Mixed Multitude
By Marian Moore

I am the man who
chasing an errant lamb, glimpses
the flicker of flame but turns aside
to rescue the missing. I return
to my flock, wary
of wolves in this wilderness.

I am the woman who hears
a burning
melody tumbling from russet leaves.
God sings from a cleft in the rock.
Yet I go back to camp,
remembering my ailing mother
and the water that I carry.

I am the retinue that must be rescued.
By Moses, by Harriet,
by Toussaint in his borrowed uniform.
Released from my servitude; I hold
my head high—brazen
enough to ask for back wages.
Tell the prophet that I was loyal
to family
if not to God. I
preserved the blaze of life
and I know where the bones of my forebears
are buried.

7 Responses to “Mixed Multitude”

  1. Bobbie Troy says:

    Wow, this is one thought-provoking piece. Good work.

  2. I love the depth of this poem and how you make us feel the story.

  3. Anne Freedman says:

    Stunning…This is spectacular and heart stopping. Thank you.

  4. April T. Hall says:

    Wow, how touching and so prevalent considering our current struggles. Nice piece and a provoking message!

  5. Mary Hall N says:

    I identify with your journey.
    Peace be with you.

  6. Susan Levin says:

    Beautiful, Marian!!!

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