It's just poetry, it won't bite

not your captive

12.27.18 Posted in today's words by

Linda M. Crate’s most recent poem to appear here was “the wild dreamer, hugger of trees” (April 2018).

not your captive
By Linda M. Crate

beneath the soft needled pines
i found a sanctuary
away from my father’s tongue
cutting as a knife, sharp as winter’s coldest
tooth pulling tears from otherwise
dry eyes;
here his monsters could not spring upon my bones
using my insecurities as a trampoline—
here, i could see the flaws
of his glass house,
and if i truly wanted to i could shatter it;
but all i really and truly wanted
was a love and acceptance he would never give me
as a girl—
clawed my way from misery to misery
hoping i’d be good enough,
but it never was enough no matter what i sacrificed;
so i stopped trying then was labeled lazy and unambitious
i was just exhausted
of flying with broken wings—
he only gave me a gilded cage to live in,
and i wanted more than an ornamented lie
because no matter how painful a truth i knew she’d
set me free;
but he wanted a captive
had to fracture someone with his pain
so instead of breaking the cycle he broke me.

2 Responses to “not your captive”

  1. his monsters could not spring upon my bones
    using my insecurities as a trampoline— (wonderful)

  2. Sharon Poch says:

    Pain. I, too, found refuge under the “soft needled pines.” Redemption in the title, “not your captive anymore.” Thank you for writing this, Linda.

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