It's just poetry, it won't bite

Oscar and I

06.20.10 Posted in today's words by

Val B Russell is a Canadian writer who gives us words to think about delivered with a quick wit (POEmCircular MotionTic Toc). To see more of her work, check out her recent publication, Cockroaches and White Bread in the inspiring Referential Magazine. And don’t forget to stop by her blog

Oscar and I
By Val B Russell

Oscar has problems
He sits perched on my shoulder
Sharing complaints
Reading Gaol forever his muse
I am the company to his misery boarder
Forever the champion of his cause
A diseased disorder requiring surgical intervention
An incision just above the bone of contention
But a bit lower than the heart of creation

Oscar Wilde has problems
His flamboyant dash a question mark
Obliterating my feeble attempt
To best his finest morbid hour
His attention to attention to detail refined
By a life lived completely confined
The penniless beggar with silken empty pockets
Died in a fever pitch of agony exposed and open
Its origin in the ecstasy of just one more romp

3 Responses to “Oscar and I”

  1. Veronica says:

    The use of language is exquisite! I could savor and dine on every single line. Yum!

  2. This is a great poem, Val, one of your best. 🙂

  3. Jessie Carty says:

    Love that bone of contention line 🙂

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