It's just poetry, it won't bite

If I Were a Poet

12.16.13 Posted in today's words by

Julie Ellinger Hunt sometimes writes about writing and always masters metaphor.

If I Were a Poet
By Julie Ellinger Hunt

If I were a poet,
I’d climb up the side of buildings
peering into windows
watching life happen in a frame

If I were a poet,
I’d fly above us
taking verbal snapshots
placing debris in cement boxes
placing words where they ought to go but haven’t.

If I were a poet,
I’d scribe the perfect sentiment you
have been waiting for but never receive
because you cannot read with eyes glued shut
in a dark room
holding a pillow to your face.

If I were a poet,
I would unpeel you
layer by layer
until you are naked and unafraid
longing for anything,
willing to accept my little words
on a flashing white screen.


4 Responses to “If I Were a Poet”

  1. Luann says:

    I love how you can take a blank sheet and turn it into the wonderful work of art ….that you are!

  2. Jean says:

    Dear Julie,

    Since you ARE a poet, you have climbed heights, opened eyes, and placed words where they need be.

    Your perfect sentiments have been received by many.

    Thank you for this gentle, strong, poem.

  3. Sharon Poch says:

    No”If“–You Are A Poet!

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