It's just poetry, it won't bite

I Pray for Arms

10.27.14 Posted in today's words by

Jeff Burt’s most recent poem to appear here was Pressing (January 2014).

I Pray for Arms
By Jeff Burt

I pray for arms, Joshua’s bones
to grow where none have been
since birth, fingers long
like claws of trowels
so he could weed and plant,
so he could stir a fire
and climb a neighboring fence.
There is a perfect emptiness
that lives at the end of his shoulders,
a beauty like the sculpted David
that I cannot reach,
an emptiness with nothing missing
that only he and his mother can know
when he hugs her tight.


2 Responses to “I Pray for Arms”

  1. Jeanette Gallagher says:

    This is a heartbreaking, beautiful poem. I held my breath while I read hoping for a miracle ending. Interesting that there was beauty in the ’emptiness’ when he and his mother hugged. And that was a sort of miracle…

  2. Sharon Poch says:

    Powerful and hear-rending.

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