It's just poetry, it won't bite


06.02.17 Posted in today's words by

Nancy Scott McBride’s most recent poem to appear here was “Going Home” (May 2017)

By Nancy Scott McBride

Since I have no grandchildren,
perhaps my poems can serve as such.
After all, I give them the best of myself,
as others say they do their own.

I fill them up, fatten them, spoil them
with all I have of wit, grace, and love.
I baby-sit and groom them constantly,
making sure every hair is in place,
and there’s no dirt under nails or behind ears.

They are the part of me that goes on,
carrying my name, speaking for me.
And when I see that they are strong and sure,
I send them out into the world where they
will make their way, live their lives,
do their thing, as the saying goes.

I hope they’ll be liked and respected.
I know they’ll travel farther and faster
than I ever dreamed of doing.
They will be globe-trotters, my little ones.
And there are so many of them.
A richness of progeny!


One Response to “Progeny”

  1. H. Larew says:

    Poems as grandchildren. Yes!


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