It's just poetry, it won't bite


02.01.10 Posted in today's words by

Tim VanSant
is a technician and rogue poet in academician’s clothing. He thinks too
much and sometimes he writes what he thinks. In his own words, he has
“a face made for radio, a voice made for print, and a blog
suitable for lining your NeoPet’s cage.” And apparently the
self-doubting ego of a writer! His poetry has been published at the
very cool POW Fast Flash Fiction.
This poem makes good reading. The cadence and rhythm suggest fast-typed
e-mails, the images draw a picture of people bathed in the light of
their laptops, the last two lines convey the mystery of modern life and

By Tim Van Sant

You reach, this time it’s three
Touch the key, that’s touching me
The key, the type, the touch, the tone
We are sitting all alone
A thousand miles in between
Far too far to be seen
You are there, I am here
But we are closer than we appear

7 Responses to “Reach”

  1. Jessie Carty says:

    that is one of the best bios ever 🙂

  2. Tim says:

    Thanks, Jessie.

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