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Rituals of Lost Purpose

11.20.11 Posted in today's words by

R Martin Basden’s most recent poem to appear here was The Anchors of Our Lives (October 2011).

Rituals of Lost Purpose
By R Martin Basden

Rituals of lost purpose are bad habits
worn trails bordered by weeds bearing no flower
padded narrow in a terrain of flavorless monoculture
cloning itself

Interruption by schism might turn some
to push aside bramble and thorn
seeking escape more than peace
reason more than comfort
to stand anxious in sunlit clearing
wondering about 

4 Responses to “Rituals of Lost Purpose”

  1. Jean says:

    Nice job, Marty. Thank you for sharing.

  2. bobbie troy says:

    I love the depth you achieve here with so few words. It’s tight and powerful. The phrase “rituals of lost purpose” is awesome.

  3. Sharon Poch says:

    Another thought provoker, Marty–as we all try to escape “the flavorless monoculture.”

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