It's just poetry, it won't bite

Over the River

12.21.13 Posted in today's words by

Juliana Norwood’s most recent poem to appear here was Paperweight (September 2013).

Over the River
By Juliana Norwood

I thought that’s where everyone went.
Took me years to realize not everyone’s
Grandma told tales right out of
Little House on the Prairie

about pig bladder balloons,
maple snow candy, and the aftermath
of diphtheria and scarlet fever.
Now that she’s gone

I remember her with warm blankets
and her roasted goose with
chestnut dressing when
snow smells like memory.

One Response to “Over the River”

  1. Sharon Poch says:

    Nostalgia, Pure strong, Without Being Overly Sentimental. Loved It!

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