It's just poetry, it won't bite

serpent skin gloves

08.21.14 Posted in today's words by

Hope Hearken’s poem Sky Frog appeared here in July 2011 (published under the name Hope Houghton).

serpent skin gloves
By Hope Hearken

serpent skin gloves
took away the cold
brought me claws
and a hate I don’t know

bellows from a pit
devil carves my name
on pale arms of shame
and I say good-bye to him
a stranger I never knew
since I’ve been stolen
been chosen, been insane

some fight for rain
some fight for show
some fight tomorrow
but I never could let go
of that dream, window
that light, you glow

so I will fight for you
I will get up once more
and I will believe again
in the heaven you own


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