It's just poetry, it won't bite


12.22.09 Posted in today's words by

Shannon’s poetry, short fiction, and personal essays have appeared in
numerous small press and university publications. She is the author of
3 full-length collections of her work and several chapbooks. She is the
editor/publisher of The Wildflower Press in Albuquerque NM. Wherever you are when you read this, you will be transported by the
imagery to where Jeanne is. Happy Solstice and may your winter be mild!

At the New Moon of December
By Jeanne Shannon

November gone,
its marigold light,
and plane trees bleeding fire;

Stalks of dead sunflowers stand,
brown ghosts amid the smoke of twilights.

December now. Bright stars are visible.
The abacus of days counts down;
the Oak Moon wanes.

Button seeds hang
from the bare twigs of sycamores.

Red skies at sundown, and the blue
snow-wind of bitter mornings. Early dark;
lights blooming in the Christmas trees.

We dream, like Horace, of gardens
and springs of ever-flowing water.

We long for flowers, bees;
for soft spring air
to stir the wind vanes.

Wan sun of Solstice noon
casts its pale promise
of the lengthening days.

Now, in remembered woodlands,
witch hazel waits to bloom,
to open its four
bright-yellow petals.

6 Responses to “Solstice”

  1. This poem is filled with the warmth of the past, never to regain only to remember.

  2. Bobbie Troy says:

    Love the imagery, Jeanne.

  3. Rae says:

    This poem made me want to close my eyes and live inside it for a while.

  4. Jeanne Shannon says:

    Thank you for taking the time to respond to my poem “Solstice.” It’s gratifying to know when a poem “speaks to” a reader.

  5. Jeanne Shannon says:

    Thank you for taking the time to respond to my poem “Solstice.” I try hard to use memorable imagery, and it’s great to learn that you liked the images.

  6. Jeanne Shannon says:

    Oh, what a wonderful comment on my poem “Solstice.” Thank you for taking the time to respond.

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