It's just poetry, it won't bite

Stormy Infinity

05.04.13 Posted in today's words by

Christopher Roe’s most recent poem to appear here was Bits and Pieces (April 2013).

Stormy Infinity

By Christopher Roe

Between the bright white light
of the explosion
and the utter dark silence
of the grave
is the gray spreading echo
that is life.
And God, they say, is all.
He is the disease
as he is the cure.
He is the love and hate,
war and peace,
life and death.
He is the yin and the yang.
6 and 9.
And if you overlay the two
you get the sign of infinity
or the sign of the storm
as life is the continual
stormy infinity of love.

2 Responses to “Stormy Infinity”

  1. This one gives us food for thought in your summation.

  2. This one gives us food for thought in your summation.

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