It's just poetry, it won't bite


11.06.09 Posted in today's words by

Carpenter is a newspaper copy editor in Corpus Christi, TX. He has two
young daughters who provide plenty of inspiration for his poetry.

Read this poem for its reality check perspective and remember it the
next time you lose it over something much less sweet than a strawberry.

By Clay Carpenter

The girls fought over a strawberry today.
The older one had swiped it from the younger
one’s hand and popped it in her mouth.

The younger one threw open the door
and yelled for me to turn off the lawnmower
so I could hear about the larceny.

Of course every mother or father has
witnessed a strawberry dust-up before,
even if it wasn’t about a strawberry.

They’ve put down the shovel or spatula
to receive the calamitous news.

It got me thinking about when we argued about
the television volume a couple of days ago. I

thought, you know, a strawberry really
is a lovely thing to fight about.

2 Responses to “Strawberry”

  1. Sarah says:

    So true. And beautifully and humorously related.

  2. opoetoo says:

    yes ,a strawberry is a hill to die on.

    television is just an ant hill

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