It's just poetry, it won't bite


10.01.13 Posted in today's words by

Jeanette Gallagher writes about a lot of stuff. Sometimes she writes a villanelle. 🙂

By Jeanette Gallagher

There was a man who left his wife
‘Cause she had too much stuff
He said her clutter stressed his life

Thingamajigs and doodads caused marital strife
He asked “When is enough enough?”
There was a man who left his wife

Gizmos and gadgets cut like a knife
Slashed his love and made him tough
He said her clutter stressed his life

Whatchamacallits growing rife
He got tired of women’s fluff
There was a man who left his wife

Brick-a-brac and what-nots on Duncan Phyfe*
He dared not touch with hands too rough
He said her clutter stressed his life

He said maybe they’d meet in the afterlife
Where she couldn’t take her stuff
There was a man who left his wife
He said her clutter stressed his life

*Duncan Phyfe was a Scottish-born American furniture maker (1768-1854). His furniture is still found in some of the finest homes in America.


3 Responses to “Stuff”

  1. I love the whimsey of this poem. We had Duncan Phyfe years ago.

  2. Jean says:

    Jeanette, this is a wonderful villanelle. Thank you for sharing it!

  3. Bobbie Troy says:

    What fun!

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